Skill development is extremely important for IT professionals in this era of ever-changing technology. Saabhitech LLc offers training services to organizations, governments and, individuals in emerging technologies. Our experienced training professionals can design training to organizations to tailor to their needs with flexibility. Our job-oriented training will help improve marketable skills for individuals.
Saabhitech LLc is a multinational company headquartered in Detroit, US, providing training services in Cloud Computing and Blockchain technologies. Saabhitech LLc professional trainers have vast industry experience. Our training programs are crafted to enable beginners to evolve into an industry ready professional.
Our Flexible online Training programs
Blockchain Technology
This technology changes the face of record-keeping and database management for any industry. Blockchain currently records the highest demand as a career and requirement among in-the-making professionals and organizations. The rapid and continuous growth of this technology has created wider scopes for it to grow and unfold many career opportunities.
Amazon Web Services
AWS is a market leader in cloud computing. Most of the companies are expected to be on the cloud in the coming years. You will learn cloud fundamentals, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Storage(S3 &EBS), Relational Database Service (RDS), AWS Auto Scaling, Amazon CloudWatch, Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) etc.
Our training will help you gain the required skills to get DevOps Engineer job. We will help you to learn DevOps concepts, Agile methodology, Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment, Monitoring and Automation.
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure is the fastest-growing public/hybrid cloud platform used by the organizations worldwide for cloud-based solutions. We will help you to learn various aspects of cloud computing and how to build, manage, and deploy applications in Azure. Learning Azure opens a lot of career opportunities to propel your career growth.
Data Sciences
According to US report data science skills will drive 27% increase in employment in the field through 2026. Data science is a method for gathering insights from structured and unstructured data. You will learn skills for collecting, shaping, storing, managing, and analyzing data to allow for data-driven decision making.
Big Data
There is a soaring demand for data analytics professionals. You will learn how to process, integrate and analyze big data sets using tools. Tools and infrastructure for enabling Big Data storage, Distributed Processing, and Scalability are discussed and implemented.
Business Intelligence
BI tools analyze information and present actionable information that can guide decision making. You will learn data analysis, data visualization, SQL operations, insights gathering and reporting. Tableau and Microsoft Power BI will be covered.
Cyber Security
Your will learn fundamentals of Cybersecurity, discovering security vulnerabilities, identifying potential hackers, architecting secure networks, preventing local and remote attacks, and monitoring networks. You will also learn types of firewalls, digital forensics, security policies and procedures, wireless networks, risk management, incident management and tools like Wireshark, TCPdump and syslog.

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